Explore Walberswick Brought to you by Blythweb Ltd (now part of MHCreations)

Walberswick Events for

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The Blythweb Calendar publicises events open to the public which are taking place in the general area of the Blyth Valley in north-east Suffolk and occasionally also in the wider area. These events include those held in support of local and UK charities, organisations, good causes etc., which we are pleased to freely publicise. The Blythweb Calendar also features other events of interest.

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BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//MHCreations Blythweb//NONSGML Event Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Heritage Open Days - Exhibition ‘Walpole Old Chapel and Local Connections’ DTSTART:20240915T090000Z DTEND:20240915T153000Z DTSTAMP:20240910T205356Z UID:20240915T090000-HeritageOpenDays-Exhibition‘WalpoleOldChapelandLoc DESCRIPTION:Open Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th September, as part of Heritage Open Days. Come and visit this atmospheric Grade II* listed building, once a farmhouse but with a long history as a non-conformist meeting house, evidenced by its superb interior. In addition, the Chapel’s Discovery Group’s researchers have tracked many people in the registers and many came from several miles away. It was not surprising that there was a stable in the Chapel Yard and the footings of this are still visible. Our present visitors are also from far and wide. LOCATION:Walpole Old Chapel, Halesworth Road (B1117), Walpole IP19 9AZ ORGANIZER;CN=Walpole Old Chapel:MAILTO:info@walpoleoldchapel.org STATUS:CONFIRMED PRIORITY:0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Heritage Open Days - Exhibition : ‘Walpole Old Chapel and Local Connections’

– 16:30 on Sunday, 15th September 2024
Organised by: Walpole Old Chapel
Venue: Walpole Old Chapel, Halesworth Road (B1117), Walpole IP19 9AZ link
Open Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th September, as part of Heritage Open Days. Come and visit this atmospheric Grade II* listed building, once a farmhouse but with a long history as a non-conformist meeting house, evidenced by its superb interior. In addition, the Chapel’s Discovery Group’s researchers have tracked many people in the registers and many came from several miles away. It was not surprising that there was a stable in the Chapel Yard and the footings of this are still visible. Our present visitors are also from far and wide.
Ticket Details: Free event.
To know more about Halesworth or for accommodation in the area go to https://www.halesworth.net

BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//MHCreations Blythweb//NONSGML Event Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Scarecrow Trail, at Reydon DTSTART:20240915T090000Z DTEND:20240915T150000Z DTSTAMP:20240813T084957Z UID:20240915T090000-ScarecrowTrailatReydon DESCRIPTION:Taking place on Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th September. This year with an Olympic and Paralympic theme. The trail, raising funds for Reydon Christmas Lights, encourages local Reydon people to get creative and make a scarecrow for outside their home or business. The trail can be followed on foot, by bicycle or by car. Come and find your favourite! Programmes (£5) on sale from Reydon Village Hall, Bridgefoot Stores and Boyden Stores. Homemade refreshments available throughout the weekend at Reydon Village Hall. LOCATION:Village Hall, Lowestoft Road, Reydon near Southwold IP18 6RF ORGANIZER;CN=Reydon Christmas Lights:MAILTO:reydonscarecrowtrail@gmail.com STATUS:CONFIRMED PRIORITY:0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Scarecrow Trail, at Reydon

– 16:00 on Sunday, 15th September 2024
Organised by: Reydon Christmas Lights
Venue: Village Hall, Lowestoft Road, Reydon near Southwold IP18 6RF link
Taking place on Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th September. This year with an Olympic and Paralympic theme. The trail, raising funds for Reydon Christmas Lights, encourages local Reydon people to get creative and make a scarecrow for outside their home or business. The trail can be followed on foot, by bicycle or by car. Come and find your favourite! Programmes (£5) on sale from Reydon Village Hall, Bridgefoot Stores and Boyden Stores. Homemade refreshments available throughout the weekend at Reydon Village Hall.
Ticket Details: Trail programme £5
Who to Contact: Email : reydonscarecrowtrail@gmail.com.
To know more about Southwold or for accommodation in the area go to https://www.exploresouthwold.co.uk

BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//MHCreations Blythweb//NONSGML Event Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Baby Bounce and Tot Rock, at Southwold Library DTSTART:20240915T093000Z DTEND:20240915T100000Z DTSTAMP:20240709T113759Z UID:20240915T103000-16615-BabyBounceandTotRockatSouthwoldLibrary DESCRIPTION:Every Tuesday and Sunday. For babies and toddlers of all ages. Instruments, clapping, jogging and action rhymes. LOCATION:Southwold Library, Hospital Hub, Field Stile Road,South IP18 6LD ORGANIZER:Southwold Library STATUS:CONFIRMED PRIORITY:0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Baby Bounce and Tot Rock, at Southwold Library

– 11:00 on Sunday, 15th September 2024
Venue: Southwold Library, Hospital Hub, Field Stile Road,Southwold IP18 6LD link
Every Tuesday and Sunday. For babies and toddlers of all ages. Instruments, clapping, jogging and action rhymes.
Ticket Details: Free event, no booking required.
Who to Contact: Southwold Library, by phone 01502 722519, or email southwold.library@suffolklibraries.co.uk
To know more about Southwold or for accommodation in the area go to https://www.exploresouthwold.co.uk

BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//MHCreations Blythweb//NONSGML Event Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Lego Club! DTSTART:20240915T111500Z DTEND:20240915T120000Z DTSTAMP:20240828T164022Z UID:20240915T111500-LegoClub! DESCRIPTION:Open to kids (and adults) of all ages. We’re building: Vast vehicles. All donations of Lego welcome. Free event, no booking required. Adults: Would you like to help with Lego Club? Just ask staff. LOCATION:Southwold Library, Hospital Hub, Field Stile Road,South IP18 6LD ORGANIZER:Southwold Library STATUS:CONFIRMED PRIORITY:0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Lego Club!

– 13:00 on Sunday, 15th September 2024
Venue: Southwold Library, Hospital Hub, Field Stile Road,Southwold IP18 6LD link
Open to kids (and adults) of all ages. We’re building: Vast vehicles. All donations of Lego welcome. Free event, no booking required. Adults: Would you like to help with Lego Club? Just ask staff.
Ticket Details: Free event, no booking required.
Who to Contact: Southwold Library, by phone 01502 722519, or email southwold.library@suffolklibraries.co.uk
To know more about Southwold or for accommodation in the area go to https://www.exploresouthwold.co.uk

BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//MHCreations Blythweb//NONSGML Event Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Halesworth (Holton) Airfield Memorial Museum DTSTART:20240915T130000Z DTEND:20240915T160000Z DTSTAMP:20240709T113759Z UID:20240915T140000-16759-Halesworth(Holton)AirfieldMemorialMuseum DESCRIPTION:Open Sunday afternoons April-October, 2pm-5pm, on Sparrowhawk Road, IP19 8NH, north of Halesworth. Free admission. Free parking. Refreshments. Shop. Operational during WWII when the airfield was an American base with accommodation for 3000 personnel. Home of various units including the 56th Fighter Group and the 489th Bomb Group. This well-presented museum features memorabilia, photographs and much more. LOCATION:see event text for venue information ORGANIZER:see event text for venue information STATUS:CONFIRMED PRIORITY:0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Halesworth (Holton) Airfield Memorial Museum

– 17:00 on Sunday, 15th September 2024
Venue: see event text for venue information
Open Sunday afternoons April-October, 2pm-5pm, on Sparrowhawk Road, IP19 8NH, north of Halesworth. Free admission. Free parking. Refreshments. Shop. Operational during WWII when the airfield was an American base with accommodation for 3000 personnel. Home of various units including the 56th Fighter Group and the 489th Bomb Group. This well-presented museum features memorabilia, photographs and much more.
Ticket Details: Free admission. Free parking.
Who to Contact: Tel : 01986 875084 Email: info@halesworthairfieldmuseum.co.uk
To know more about Halesworth or for accommodation in the area go to https://www.halesworth.net

BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//MHCreations Blythweb//NONSGML Event Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Exhibition at Halesworth Gallery DTSTART:20240915T130000Z DTEND:20240915T150000Z DTSTAMP:20240803T183104Z UID:20240915T130000-ExhibitionatHalesworthGallery DESCRIPTION:Taking place August 24th - September 18th inclusive. Open Sundays 2pm-4pm, Mondays-Saturdays 11am-4pm. Featuring the work of Anna-Lise Horsley, Margie Britz, Maria Pavledis. LOCATION:Halesworth Gallery, Steeple End, Halesworth IP19 8LL ORGANIZER;CN=Halesworth Gallery:MAILTO:info@halesworthgallery.co.uk STATUS:CONFIRMED PRIORITY:0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Exhibition at Halesworth Gallery

– 16:00 on Sunday, 15th September 2024
Organised by: Halesworth Gallery
Venue: Halesworth Gallery, Steeple End, Halesworth IP19 8LL
Taking place August 24th - September 18th inclusive. Open Sundays 2pm-4pm, Mondays-Saturdays 11am-4pm. Featuring the work of Anna-Lise Horsley, Margie Britz, Maria Pavledis.
Ticket Details: Admission FREE.
Who to Contact: Email: info@halesworthgallery.co.uk / Phone: 01986 873064
To know more about Halesworth or for accommodation in the area go to https://www.halesworth.net

BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//MHCreations Blythweb//NONSGML Event Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Women's wildlife walk Sunset Stroll, at RSPB Minsmere DTSTART:20240915T164500Z DTEND:20240915T191500Z DTSTAMP:20240709T113759Z UID:20240915T174500-16116-WomenswildlifewalkSunsetStrollatRSPBMinsme DESCRIPTION:Ticket prices include reserve entry fees. A special opportunity to discover the wonders of RSPB Minsmere, in an event uniquely created by women for women. Our female guides are excited to offer this fabulous opportunity to showcase some of Minsmere's incredible wildlife to our female visitors. No children please. No previous experience needed. Bring binoculars suggested. Free car park. Theme and times of these monthly walks will vary, with some including a hot drink or a breakfast. This is a Sunset Stroll, and no catering is provided (cafe closes 4:30pm). LOCATION:RSPB Nature Reserve, Minsmere IP17 3BY ORGANIZER;CN=RSPB:MAILTO:minsmere@rspb.org.uk STATUS:CONFIRMED PRIORITY:0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Women's wildlife walk: Sunset Stroll, at RSPB Minsmere

– 20:15 on Sunday, 15th September 2024
Organised by: RSPB
Venue: RSPB Nature Reserve, Minsmere IP17 3BY link
Ticket prices include reserve entry fees. A special opportunity to discover the wonders of RSPB Minsmere, in an event uniquely created by women for women. Our female guides are excited to offer this fabulous opportunity to showcase some of Minsmere's incredible wildlife to our female visitors. No children please. No previous experience needed. Bring binoculars suggested. Free car park. Theme and times of these monthly walks will vary, with some including a hot drink or a breakfast. This is a Sunset Stroll, and no catering is provided (cafe closes 4:30pm).
Ticket Details: Prices range from £4.25-£30.75. Online booking. See https://events.rspb.org.uk/events/61290
Who to Contact: Email minsmere@rspb.org.uk or call on 01728 648281 for further details.